Paper Back Christmas Trees

Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


We used to make these when I was a kid, except we did it with phone books. Remember how thin phonebooks pages are??? It took forever!!… and actually I don’t recall ever finishing one. …


…….and now I see that this was just an activity my parents had us do to get us to sit down and shut up.


Nice Mom.


Anyway, I turned that mad paper folding skill into something awesome. Swing by the thrift store and get your kids to work!


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


Old books are the best to use, you can find them for .25 to .74 cents. Make sure the binding is a little worn but not torn apart. To start: tear off both covers and the cover covering the binding.


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


If you get really lucky you will find some awesome book marks in your old books. Is that stealing if they only charged me for the book?


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


130 pages is the number of pages that makes the perfect no-glue-needed tree. Go to page 130 and bend the binding back and forth and then tear.


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


Fold first page, corner to binding. Fold the same page again, corner to binding. Crease just with your finger, it shouldn’t be a real tough crease, just light.


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


Now fold the second page, the third page, all the rest of the pages the same. Just fold fold fold. It will get more difficult as you end as it gets a little crowded but just keep folding. If the binding on the book was worn enough the book will circle on it’s own and make a pretty tree. If not, just bend the binding lots and lots and glue the first and last pages together.


You’ll have part of the page hanging at the bottom of the book, just cut it off to make your base. Find instructions for the cute little star on top HERE. 


Sharon Johnson Photography Christmas Trees


And Wahlah!

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